About Me

Welcome to my Independent Inquiry blog! My name is Aman Tiku, and I’m currently a senior at The American School in Japan (ASIJ) in Tokyo. I’m an American citizen, but have lived all over the globe, from Hong Kong to London, a life experiences that have engendered this inquiry.

10443240_669004213184982_8782204003790754486_oDuring seventh grade, our final social studies project was to write a creative historical story. I chose to depict the life of a Red Army soldier in World War II. The enormity of the subject served to inspire rather than overwhelm me. What was meant to be a short piece of middle school writing sprouted into a 60-page narrative of the Eastern Front.

My passion for history has since expanded into a variety of social science fields: politics, economics, and so forth. Having experienced all the advanced classes my school has to offer in the department, I knew I wanted to extend myself even further. This “independent inquiry” was thus born.

Though I am an American citizen, I have lived abroad most of my life. I have an emotional connection to the country but am paradoxically separated from ingratiating myself with it (for the time being). This “American” inquiry is meant to address that disparity. Here, I examine specific time periods and themes in American history to clarify my understanding of modern American society. It’s a platform for exploring American history through my academic passions, and ultimately arriving at a cohesive, if broad, understanding of the nation today. In addition, I’m hoping my work here will allow me to develop my historical thinking and analysis as I continue to seek excellence in that field.


Mid Semester Progress

Mid Semester Reflection

Brainstorming My Final Presentation

Approaching the Semester’s End

Meeting with Alumnus, Mr. Michael Thornton

Concluding My Inquiry

Independent Inquiry Presentation

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